Lynsey’s Transformation Story

Why Lynsey Wanted Me To Train Her & Her Sister.

When I spoke to Lynsey and her sister Jill, they immediately won me over with their enthusiasm. My results on social media had caught their eye so when it came down to making a choice between trainers in the area, there was no competition – these two saw that I was the perfect fit for them! And fast-forward two years later? We’ve totally smashed both of their goals together – success has never felt this achievable or been more rewarding than what we have experienced.

Lynsey and Jill both had major insecurities about their bodies, so much that the scale was an obsession for them. However, when Lynsey started her weight loss journey with a coach, she realized there’s more to success than meets the eye! After hard work and dedication at 40 years old she is now stronger and fitter then ever before — sporting beautiful toned muscle all over her body. Not only did this confidence boost allow her to rock shorts like never before but improved posture came as a bonus too!

With numerous injuries limiting her options, Jill looked for a personal trainer who could create an adaptable plan to focus on her goals. After discovering my ability to craft customised solutions catered towards healing and motivating even the most injury-prone individuals, she was quick to realise that I am truly committed in helping all of our clients reach their highest potential – no matter what they are working with!


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