Determined Mom with Ulcerative Colitis Works to Improve Her Health

After struggling with her Ulcerative Colitis, Emma Welsh was dealing with the extra weight she put on during lockdown. With no gym options available, this self-motivated mom joined forces with She Can Transformations after seeing Lisa’s journey – and hers became one to follow! Through determination and support from others, Emma is working towards a healthier lifestyle for herself despite her condition.

Emma Welsh is a mother of one who was recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. This chronic illness caused her to gain weight and made it difficult for her to exercise. However, after watching one of my inspiring video stories, Emma became determined to improve her health. Despite the challenges posed by her illness, she is now working towards a healthier lifestyle with the help of others. We are proud of Emma’s determination and wish her all the best on her journey!

Emma is conscious of the foods she eats and makes sure to get enough sleep. She also takes part in activities that are low-impact, such as walking, so as not to strain her body. Additionally, Emma has found support from friends and family who have been encouraging her along the way.

We have seen so many inspiring stories like Emma’s and hope to share all the success I have had with each client.We believe that it is important for people to know that even if they have a chronic illness, there are still ways for them to work towards achieving their health goals. I am super proud of Emma for her determination and motivation throughout this journey!

I invite all our readers to join us in congratulating Emma on her progress and we wish her continued success as she works towards a healthier lifestyle. Together, let’s celebrate the determination of individuals like Emma who are striving to improve their health and live their best lives!

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