Carrickfergus Personal Trainers Body Transformation Client Leanne

Leanne used to spot me pushing my practice in the gym, and we’d exchange nods with everyone else who hung around. After two years of honing my skills I moved on up to Belfast for a more intensePersonal Training experience – an opportunity that Leanne kept track of through social media (Facebook). Eager to join with her friend, she got back into touch via Facebook & before long they were both attending sessions together! Sadly however due health issues Leane’s pal had no choice but call it quits eventually; yet three years down the line and Leanne is still as motivated as ever racking-up those workouts like always!

Leanne is an inspiration, conquering her weight loss goals and toning up in her 40s. Through strength of mind and body she conquered the impossible by breaking through barriers with cardio equipment to become a powerful lifter! Her confidence sky-rocketed along this journey giving others the hope that everything can be achieved if you persevere.

Leanne’s husband achieved incredible results with the help of consistent training and an improved lifestyle. In just one year, he not only reached his target weight but also developed impressive muscle definition – a testament to dedication! Let this be motivation for you on your own fitness journey.

As a coach, I’ve experienced the amazing feeling of helping people reach beyond their dreams and thrive in health. Not only did my guidance lead to success for one individual – it also transformed an entire family’s lifestyle! Together they achieved long-term wellness through strategic training & nourishing diets that will sustain them far into the future.

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